
Thunder is a premium package, get your license here

Setup Thunder and Bolt

to install Thunder, use the command:

php artisan thunder:install

The install command will publish the migrations and the necessary assets for the frontend.


if you're using multi tenants, publish the migrations files, and add the tenant columns

1php artisan vendor:publish --tag=zeus-thunder-migrations

and for the comments:

1php artisan vendor:publish --provider="BeyondCode\Comments\CommentsServiceProvider" --tag="migrations"

then, run the migration:

1php artisan migrate

Register Thunder with Filament:

To set up the plugin with filament, you need to add it to your panel provider; The default one is adminPanelProvider

2 SpatieLaravelTranslatablePlugin::make()->defaultLocales([config('app.locale')]),
3 BoltPlugin::make()
4 ->extensions([
5 \LaraZeus\Thunder\Extensions\Thunder::class,
6 ]),
7 ThunderPlugin::make()

\ you can extend and replace the Thunder class if you want to customize the ticket creation.

Comments configuration

when running the thunder:install command it will also publish the configuration for comments

open the file condifg/comments.php and set the comment_class to

1'comment_class' => \LaraZeus\Thunder\Models\Comment::class,

Add Manage Office to User Model

you need to add the trait to your User model: use \LaraZeus\Thunder\Concerns\ManageOffice;

and you can customize the isSuperAdmin method in your User model

1public function isSuperAdmin(): bool
3 return $this->email === '[email protected]';

Zeus is an open-source project. Thanks to my sponsors for helping me maintain this project.