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Thank you for checking Ticketing System, before you can install it, you will need a license.

you are reading the documentation for version v3
to check your version use: composer show lara-zeus/thunder


to configure the plugin Thunder, you can pass the configuration to the plugin in adminPanelProvider

these all the available configuration, and their defaults values

'Office' => \LaraZeus\Thunder\Models\Office::class,
'Operations' => \LaraZeus\Thunder\Models\Operations::class,
'Ticket' => \LaraZeus\Thunder\Models\Ticket::class,
'TicketsStatus' => \LaraZeus\Thunder\Models\TicketsStatus::class,
'Abilities' => \LaraZeus\Thunder\Enums\Abilities::class,
// you can return empty array to disable it
OfficeResource::class => ['name', 'slug'],
TicketResource::class => ['ticket_no'],

Frontend Configuration

use the file zeu-thunder.php, to customize the frontend, like the prefix,domain, and middleware for each content type.

to publish the configuration:

php artisan vendor:publish --tag=zeus-thunder-config

Ticket No Generator

by default, thunder will generate the ticket number using a random string,

namespace LaraZeus\Thunder\Support;
use Illuminate\Support\Str;
class TicketNo
public static function get(): string
return Str::random(6);

if you want to change that, create any class with the method get, and set it in the config file:

'ticket-no' => \LaraZeus\Thunder\Support\TicketNo::class,

for example:

public static function get(): string
return DB::table('tickets')->max('ticket_no') + 1;