
you are reading the documentation for version v2 our latest version is v3 make sure to select the correct version.
to check your version use: composer show lara-zeus/bolt

Use Custom Schemata

the trait Schemata is the heart of the form builder, and now you can customize it to your liking.

This is an advanced feature; please use it only when necessary since you have to mainline it manually with every update for Bolt.

First, copy the trait to your app:

copy the trait from \LaraZeus\Bolt\Concerns to your app, let say: \App\Zeus\Bolt\Concerns

call the trait in a service provider

in your register method of your AppServiceProvider add the following:


You're done. Customize the form builder to fit your needs. Remember to keep an eye on any changes in future updates so that you will avoid breaking changes.

Zeus is an open-source project. Thanks to my sponsors for helping me maintain this project.