Bolt Pro

Advanced Features for the Form Maker

Form builder for your users, with so many use cases, use it as a FilamentPHP plugin

Advanced Features for the Form Maker

Supercharge your forms

Advanced Forms management, More Filtering, Presets, and New Fields for Bolt the form builder

screenshot bolt pro
screenshot bolt pro

More Fields

New Fields Types

More fields for more productivity and enhancement to your forms

🔥 Rating.
Show Star Rating as field
🔥 Matrix Grid.
multiple choice grid field as radio or checkboxes
🔥 Slider.
a range selector, set the min and max value
🔥 Advance Date.
set the date picker to range, month, week, and multiple dates
🔥 Alert.
show a note with customized styling
🔥 Icon Picker.
allows your users to pick an icon
🔥 Image Picker.
allows users to pick an image from uploaded set
🔥 Dynamic Textbox.
add multiple text values
🔥 Signature.
collect users signature
🔥 terms and conditions.
let the users agree to your terms and conditions
🔥 Location Picker.
provide easy way for your users to select a location from a map
🔥 Phone Input.
international format with flags
🔥 Timezone Selector.
select the world timezones

And Even More Features

these are only the highlighted features, there are even more. and we constantly updating Bolt Pro to add more exciting features

Advanced widgets and stats
Advanced widgets and stats
Forms API
Forms API
Custom colors and branding per form
Custom colors and branding per form
Presets: create Forms with pre defined templates
Available Preset: Support Ticket, Contact Form. and you can even create your own sets.
Prefilled Forms URLs
Create Forms URLs with prefilled data, make it easier for your users to fill a new entry
Advanced Widgets
Get Advanced Widgets for your responses.

Fully Integrated with Advanced Tables.

The Advanced Tables (formerly Filter Sets) plugin from Kenneth Sese, to Supercharge your tables with powerful features like user customizable views, enhanced filter tabs, reorderable columns, convenient view management, and more. now, fully integrated to create powerful reports from your dynamic forms.

You will need a separate license for the Advanced Tables plugin to activate these features.

screenshot bolt pro

More screenshots

short videos about Bolt-Pro


Choose the plan that works for you

Multiple Domains

$169 /year

What’s included:

  • Unlimited activations.
  • Easily installed with composer
  • Free Updates for one year
  • Discord Support
  • Email Support

Single Domain

$59 /year

What’s included:

  • 3 activations
  • Easily installed with composer
  • Free Updates for one year
  • Discord Support
By purchasing any of our plugins, you acknowledge and accept our Terms and Conditions

Zeus is an open-source project. Thanks to my sponsors for helping me maintain this project.