
to customize the layout, you can change the default layout in the zeus.php config file

1'layout' => '',

Publishing the default layout

or if you don't have a layout yet, you can publish the default one:

1php artisan vendor:publish --tag=zeus-views

Publishing the default views

to customize the default views for sky:

1php artisan vendor:publish --tag=zeus-views

Publishing Translations

to customize the translations:

1php artisan vendor:publish --tag=zeus-sky-translations


to render the navigation:

1@php $menu = \LaraZeus\Sky\SkyPlugin::get()->getModel('Navigation')::fromHandle('main-header-menu'); @endphp
2@foreach($menu->items as $item)
3 {!! \LaraZeus\Sky\Classes\RenderNavItem::render($item,'px-5 py-2 text-sm font-medium text-gray-600 hover:text-blue-500 dark:text-gray-400') !!}

you can also copy the RenderNavItem class and customize it as you need.

the navigation plugin was originally created by ryangjchandler. and now it's included in sky plugin.


you can create any frontend themes you want, checkout Lara Zeus Artemis for more

Zeus is an open-source project. Thanks to my sponsors for helping me maintain this project.