
you are reading the documentation for version v2 our latest version is v3 make sure to select the correct version.
to check your version use: composer show lara-zeus/sky

On this page


to publish the config file run the command:

1php artisan vendor:publish --tag=zeus-sky-config

you can pass --force option to force publishing the config file

Content Editor

the default editor is: TinyEditor. and included:

to use them you only need to install the packages, and set the config 'editor'

adding new editor

you can add any editor available in filament plugin directory

  • first install the plugin that you want to use.
  • implement the \LaraZeus\Sky\Classes\ContentEditor interface, and set it in the option editor

for example check LaraZeus\Sky\Classes\MarkdownEditor.

Zeus is an open-source project. Thanks to my sponsors for helping me maintain this project.