
On this page

Config File

first, provide an array in your config file, contain the model class name as a keey, and its value will be the full path: For example, let say you plugin needs two models, the user model and a Bookmark model:

2 * you can overwrite any model and use your own
3 * you can also configure the model per panel in your panel provider
4 * using: ->models([ ... ])
5 */
6'models' => [
7 'User' => config('auth.providers.users.model'),
8 'Bookmark' => \LaraZeus\Delia\Models\Bookmark::class,

This way, your users can configure the models per panel or globally from the config file:

1public function panel(Panel $panel): Panel
3 return $panel
4 // ...
5 ->plugins([
6 MyAwesomePlugin::make()
7 ->models([
8 'User' => \App\Models\Manager::class
9 ]),
10 ]);

with this approach, FilamentPluginTools will merge the models from the config file, and what the user provide per panel.

now, in your plugin, you can use it like:
