
On this page

Compiling assets

we use tailwind Css and custom themes by filament, make sure you are familiar with tailwindcss configuration, and how to make custom filament theme.

Custom Classes:

You need to add these files to your tailwind.config.js file in the content section.

  • frontend:
1content: [
2 //...
3 './vendor/lara-zeus/dynamic-dashboard/resources/views/themes/**/*.blade.php',
4 './vendor/lara-zeus/dynamic-dashboard/src/Models/Columns.php',
  • filament:
1content: [
2 //...
3 './vendor/lara-zeus/rain/resources/views/filament/**/*.blade.php',
4 './vendor/lara-zeus/rain/src/Models/Columns.php',

Customizing the Frontend Views

first, publish the config file:

1php artisan vendor:publish --tag=zeus-config

then change the default layout in the file zeus.php:

1'layout' => 'components.layouts.app',
2// this is assuming your layout on the folder `resources/views/components/layouts/app`

this will give you full control for the assets files and the header and the footer.

If needed, you can publish the blade views for all zeus packages:

1php artisan vendor:publish --tag=zeus-views

Zeus is an open-source project. Thanks to my sponsors for helping me maintain this project.