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Use Custom Designer
The trait Designer
is the one responsible for presenting the form in the frontend, and now you can customize it to your liking.
This is an advanced feature; please use it only when necessary since you have to mainline it manually with every update for Bolt.
First, copy the trait to your app
Copy the trait from \LaraZeus\Bolt\Concerns
to your app, lets say: \App\Zeus\Bolt\Concerns
Call the trait in a service provider
In your register method of your AppServiceProvider
add the following:
1\LaraZeus\Bolt\Filament\Resources\FormResource::getBoltFormSchemaUsing(fn(): array => \App\Zeus\Bolt\Concerns\Designer::getMainFormSchema());
You're done. Customize the form builder to fit your needs. Remember to keep an eye on any changes in future updates so that you avoid breaking changes.