What's Changed
- fix unique slug validation
Changelogs and Releases Notes for Sky: Simple Filamentphp CMS for your website. it includes posts, pages, tags, categories, and more. <br> With a frontend scaffolding. easy to customize and match your branding..
please change the method to ->models([...])
from posts
and page
scope, if your are usg these scopes, please add ->whereDate('published_at', '<=', now())
where needed.resources/views/themes/zeus/sky/addons/library-types/*-url.blade.php
Added a Small feature to allow to hide Resources from Navigation:
your panel provider you can hide any resource from the side nav
for more check out the docs:
Thanks to ryangjchandler, who created the beautiful plug filament-navigation. Now, Sky already cludes a version of the plug to upgrade and add more features easily.
remove FilamentNavigation::make(),
from your panel plugs.
if you published the config file, add this
'models' => [
'Navigation' => \LaraZeus\Sky\Models\Navigation::class,