QR Code Field

QR Code Component

QR Code Input to generate QR Code with designing options for filamentPHP

QR Code Component

- 🔥 set the destination URL

- 🔥 all options in modal or slidOver

- 🔥 configure all options


Short Links short URL management with qr code generator

- 🔥 Available Options:

- QR size

- QR margin

- QR solid front color

- QR solid background color

- QR style: square, round, dot

- Gradient Color (from,to)

- Gradient type (vertical, horizontal, diagonal, inverse_diagonal, radial)

- Eye Color (inner,outer)

- Eye style (square, circle)

Screenshots From


Qr Code Input to generate Qr Code with designing options for filamentPHP

Zeus is an open-source project. Thanks to my sponsors for helping me maintain this project.